On the flip side - you can afford hundreds a night but balk at $5? *side eye*
On the flip side - you can afford hundreds a night but balk at $5? *side eye*
Imagine being that audaciously, confidently privileged that the entire world should reflect you back to yourself as much as possible that you could ask this question. IN 2017, FOR FUCK’S SAKE.
It is the literal definition of white privilege for people to not understand how important it is for people to see themselves in popular media. It is damned hard teaching my kids self love and self worth when too many of the depictions of people who look like them are negative, while the opposite is true for white…
Ugh. There aren’t enough Maxine Waters’ eyeroll gifs to describe how I feel about Amber Rose’s awful “choice” feminism and her colorism-addled comments. Like, we get it. She’s internalized white supremacist bullshit beliefs about beauty, and she thinks only light-skin women are traditionally attractive. Can she just…
So it’s not just me? I have *never* succeeded at a self-checkout stand.