
I got married to my ex with the promise of both free lap dances AND blow jobs. In the end it cost me a house, half my savings, my 401K and 60% of my salary until show "gets back on her feet". Her strategy however is to "get back on her back" to snag the next sucker.

What is even worse is that the vice squad for the Evansville PD is currently $238,000 over budget. Something about a lot of undercover work......

Stick a Lexus badge on it call it a CT200h and there you go.

A CT-F would be awesome!

What if I told you the stadium was playing "It's Rainin' Men" at the time? Then would it be funny?

Maybe he works harder than you

How about, "You only buy a Ferrari or a Tesla, if you have money to burn."

Why are there no headlines when Camry's catch fire? Maybe we'd finally get rid of the damned things.

I'd take it, it's already more reliable than Webber's RB9.

Way better than the NV200, inside and out. Looks less like a '90s caricature of a '50s Austin than the London Taxi, too.

Bullying allegations are so difficult to prove these days, especially with so many of the perpetrators going Incognito.

Only one way to recover from this, you have to own it... "CORN? When was the last time I ate CORN???"

I laughed so hard I damn near passed out from asphyxiation.

Not sure I've ever laughed so hard at an article on this site. Too bad it had to be while I was at work —__—

This is by far the funniest story I have ever read on Jalop! Thanks for the much needed laughter on Friday morning.

Because no one ever notices Bruce Willis is there until they are REALLY in need of him.

That should read "medical staph", amIrite?

You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.