Not that it's bad stuff by itself, but sometimes I wish Ikea would hire Volvo as a consultant to make some of their stuff more "røbust."
Not that it's bad stuff by itself, but sometimes I wish Ikea would hire Volvo as a consultant to make some of their stuff more "røbust."
I like this one from a while back
The Hawkeye baseball team has players who can't even hit .341.
The team's driver, Jeff Gordon, describes his horrifying experience when he first realized his merchandising bus was on fire: "Well I woke up to get me a cold pop, but then I thought someone was barbeque'n. I said, Oh Lord Jesus it's a FAYYURR!! Then I RAN out, didn't grab no shoes, or nuthin, Jesus. I RAN for my…
Anyone have this in real-time?
Art Schlichter would bet on it.
Milliseconds of luck is also why I don't have any kids.
I can't believe no one has mentioned the obvious...
Just write "2014corolla", that way you won't put more work in the title than Toyota put in the car.
2014 Toyota Corolla: Not Moving Forward
Awesome job. Plus the DMV lines in Delaware must be amazing since like 7 people live there.
The funny thing about Toyota is that every now and then an incredible performance machine pops out of their endless…
That..... that's a penis.
Not too keen on the chrome blue. How about military green?
Doesn't matter, this will sell like gangbusters and allow Toyota to have liquid funds to create more FRSs, Supras and bonkers LFAs.
Whose idea was it to take a photo of a photo on a cell phone?
Thanks for reminding me that Chevy makes the Volt. I keep forgetting that.
I imagine this guy and the guy that got the RC plane out of the tree sharing war stories at the pub.
Can we get these guys some better buckets? That thing is leaking like a sieve.