Definitely wasn't grounded to the ground enough.
Definitely wasn't grounded to the ground enough.
Your sense of punning is Wayning. Commenters have a variety of Stiles, and some of the Deadspin innovators just might Carey improvisational comedy into a new golden era. I look forward to their best work, and I hope none of them are Colin it quits.
This is what happens. You give these ugly, lonely, people just a LITTLE BIT of authority, and all of a sudden the power goes to their head, and they become these teapot dictators, coming up with all sorts of arbitrary rules and regulations that have NO IMPACT WHATSOEVER, but just serve to feed their ego and quest for…
Vanderbilt has a football team?
You're basing this on a tip?
Just started calling my wife Michigan.
Here's what happens if you park your rice cooker on wheels in a wrong neighborhood on a cold night in Hollywood.
An animated gif of every time Kobe drove it through the hole? No one has time to edit that much Colorado security camera footage.
This was much worth the read, the independence day clutch ship was my favorite
putting it in the tailpipe
"Night in jail, $500 dollar fine, and a 3-year suspension? Worth it."
- Pete Rose
1st: 60 miles per charge AND a shotgun rack. sign me up.
...he's standing on the top, with no safety line, while he futzes with the carabiner... With both hands!
#3 makes me wonder: if you had a herniated disc in your back when you went to space, would the expansion and re-compression make it better or worse?