
Well then I guess all we can do is agree to disagree. You won’t provide any statement to the contrary or add your input. If you actually spoke to individuals in the regions we bomb, they would say we are doing it for no reason and are terrorists. Are they wrong? We are terrorizing them? My statement is still correct!

I’m down to ride in one!

I can’t stand that women do this then yell at men for leaving the seat up. There is a lid, close the entire apparatus and nothing will fall in and it is way more sanitary! Just a pet peeve. Speaking of pets, my cat likes to play in water!

I was about to type a very similar post haha, hat tip to you sir!

I wonder what the cruising speed was there. It looked like when the vehicle with the camera was passed they did their best to keep it in view.

well then instead of immediately attaching my intelligence and being an dbag, why don’t you inform me on how I’m misinformed. Immediately berating someone for stating an opinion or belief, why don’t you help to educate them. What is the purpose of being rude? Does it make you feel like a bigger person? I’m confused

You weren’t making an opinion of my opinion you were flagrantly attacking my intelligence

really? why? Is it not true. The government has played chess with leaders of lesser countries for decades. They put them in power and/or supply them with weapons and then when they won’t play along they get mad. Saddam, Castro, ISIS all examples. Some guys sitting in plush offices pulling the puppet strings. I’m not

An idiot? That’s a bit harsh I think. I didn’t say what they are doing is right. They are raised to hate the west and many times for good reason. The greed of the needy for control and oil go way beyond what is done for human rights or to protect the people. They can see through the fake (we want to set you free from

wow, some of those shots are so good, they almost cannot be real! Great work, great photographs, wow all the way around!!!!

probably working out on his total gym

Because why would you ever want to take an innocent life. Someone who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. One mans evil does not give justice to the killing of women and children who have no choice but to be where they are.

The leaders and agencies of The United States of America are the terrorists. All human lives are equal. I am for certain we have killed far more innocents than some bombings and or attacks by the other side.

So you’ve seen their dicks?

That line stuck out to me too, I was laughing the whole time

Greatest reply every, you win the internets!

I’m not saying it was the fault of the oil change, however, older oxygen sensor heaters (the porcelain inside) are very very sensitive to brake clean. During the oil change the engine gets covered in oil. The technician sprays the brake parts cleaner all over the engine to make sure its clean (so he doesn’t have to go

It is no lie that the profit margin is lower on warranty work but that doesn’t mean dealers don’t want to do the work, maybe the technician doesn’t lol. however, you cannot upsell warranty work or recommend something for warranty repair without a specific complaint on the issue. you will get charged back if you do

Very scary indeed. I hope no rash decisions are made on either side. No one likes being told they can’t do something and Iran feels it has every right to supply the side with weapons and logistics. I mean technically are they not just following in our own footsteps? We love to overthrow governments for lunch. We

Wow, that is just awesome sooo cool