The convertible looked as if it was an mr-s, so actually a rear engine vehicle rear wheel drive and then had fake ferrari engine parts attached to the decklid
The convertible looked as if it was an mr-s, so actually a rear engine vehicle rear wheel drive and then had fake ferrari engine parts attached to the decklid
I usual tend to follow your line of thought here, but you can't fix stupid. Though stupid shouldn't be an excuse many many people are left behind in school and just don't know how to function in this society. I'm sure in times where there were no Wendy's or McDonalds down the street many of these people would die, but…
I'm amazed we don't hold animals to more accountability. I mean sea turtles lay their eggs on a random beach and just abandon them. Talk about rude!
you can clearly see from the video the passenger countered the lean and prevented the rider from controlling the bike properly through the turn.
I thought the exact thing as soon as i saw the shape, hilarious
I'm sorry but I cannot be friends with dudes that have civics. especially if you're over 18 and it's riced out
oh the horror
I use Waze everyday, love it, had for about 10 months
That is the definition of badass
Yes, just search stretched tire on google images
you guys missed stretched tires.......just stupid
I'm not a new ram owner, but I do own a ram truck, and I do not want stacks! Of course, you've never met me so your statement is still valid.
This is too funny.
I'm going to have to go home now and change, this is crazy, I love these so much, I've never even had the chance to see one in person. I want the fastback model more than I want to be inside kate upton
bravo, gave me a good chuckle
I may have messed myself
That sounds painful, I mean maybe a mini or a fiesta, but getting an x6 or a land cruiser to come out your rectum would be difficult
Wow, that is insane, seriously dude lay off the accelerator
Oh my goodness, so many unsafe things all in one event