Maybe it is like the SR-71, while stopped on the tarmac it leaks fuel, at speeds the gaps close due to heat and stops leaking...also Ferraris are known to catch fire, maybe this is to prevent it....haha
Maybe it is like the SR-71, while stopped on the tarmac it leaks fuel, at speeds the gaps close due to heat and stops leaking...also Ferraris are known to catch fire, maybe this is to prevent it....haha
Last time I checked the NRA was a violent terrorist organization. I don't see the problem in it? They are promoting and protecting a constitutional amendment, what is so bad about that. I agree they don't always do it in the best manner, but noone's perfect.
I'm going to need some alone time with these pictures!
They should have worked for Ford, you can just drink on the job there!
I agree, I always wear one in the front seat, but I never attach in the rear! It's never been a law in my state!
This "blogger" needs to change his line of work.
I beleive its called crashing
Exactly my thought as well. Loved Johnny Quest. I've never seen it as a slur
BUICK.....Even Shaq can fit!
What a bogus charge, now she should have been standing next to him and teach him to do it properly but I don't really see the big deal. Far less dangerous then smoking when you have children
Glad to see Morning Shift back! love this segment
The best sticker is "My other ride is your mom" haha. Also, even with all the other crazy mods, Mazda designed a beautiful looking car. I mean it still looks good!
haha, I think the cost of the repair of the vehicle would be greater than the money made on Gate replacement.....of course repairmen are not always the brightest bunch
I would kill to drive that car on that track, it would too awesome to pass up, at least he got out there and tried. He needs to try harder but what an awesome experience that must be
its horrible to think the chinese thought it a good idea to steal design cues from a suzuki...ahhh
Wait a second, did you guys just have a level headed internet debate, maybe there is hope left in this world.
He's like no big deal!