
@Innes McEvoy: Let's face it, they were pretty much the only nice aliens out there. I figure if any of them were going to team up with humanity it'd be them, especially if they are shaping our destiny for something awesome.

@dbspitzer76: So glad I missed that. Oregonian child of the nineties I am.

@ShanaLD: Yeah, I was mostly talking about how they don't really keep good track of whether folks are TK or TP, and just mix and match as needed. I hope they'd pull that off.

@go-falcons: Yeah, I'm hoping a more NPH route.

@ShanaLD: I'm ok with having the not obviously good super heroine, I just can't get past how scary a villain she was, and that marvel has a tendency to get crazy with telepath/telekinetics. I guess I'm still just waiting for the twist. Chess is a long game you know. . . .

@ShanaLD: Yeah, but her power set combined with being a bit of a manipulative nut screams low level mind-control. That's just about the best reason I have for why she's in a position of authority in the X-Men. I mean, would you give a former Hellfire Clubber much trust?

@AbraKaDaggers: Yup, and twenty years of me still not buying it.

Hate to be the guy, but "Lewd," not "lude" #corrections

@Kaiser Acore: Oh, Yeah, I know that part, but that's getting retcon'd away. Therefore it never happened. The rest of it still did though.

@SupaChupacabra: That hat may have been the best part of that movie, even if Wraith was borked all to heck.

@Cleesox: Like Silver Fox. What the hell was that? Oh, and The White Queen as a good guy? Not buying it.

@gundaman: I'm with you gundaman.

@Andy Neil: Yeah, bathtub hard in small apartment.

@oldsplitfoot: Implying the Legionare outfit wasn't hot.

@jayntampa: I had no idea that existed. It also has one of the craziest titles ever.

@jayntampa: She's my main in Tekken 5. Haven't played 6 yet though. . .

Don't believe the Pleibian Propaganda! We reptilians are here to save you from their meddling ways as our earthly forebears did save your fuzzy ancestors from the meteor sent by none other than the Yellow Hairs! It is readily apparent that we did not attack yesterday, because were were not planning an attack. We did

@leftatmars: Yeah, but I'd like to think they're a better shot than me.