

@nctrns: Amazing how blinding that last one can be.

@spidersthrash: I totally forgot about that episode. Hmm. . ..

@Chuck: Same tech, just different shape. Instead of a box with The Tech, it was a ring that looked like it made a smaller more contained hole.

@Chuck: I was gong to point that out.

@Rahll: Part of that is how the Fringe team Over There is more action movie than Over Here. They've got more banter, more heroic skills, Fauxlivia's sharpshooting, Charlie's general awesomeness and Lincoln's hyper-technobabble are all intentionally less 'real' than Over Here.

@NoelVeiga: Out of curiosity, what is the most clever show on TV? I could use a lot more clever TV.

@Ron-Yr-Ar-Ttam: But if we start drilling on the moon we'll awaken CTHULLHU!

@Snow leopard: He's currently got a pretty sweet TV gig, actually. I accidentally saw the start of The Good Wife and apparently he's King Doucheblond there too.

@Scimarad: 'sokay just trying to make things clear.

@Ron-Yr-Ar-Ttam: Yeah, but let me tell you solving out the earthquake loads on a masonry building will bring tears to your eyes. There's just no way it'll stand. There'd need to be so many rocks. . . where do we get those rocks? Who will carry them? And it'll all come down anyway. Now if we hide some steel in the

@Scimarad: I think they mean the showrunners shouldn't do that.

@EdificeComplex: Otherwise it consists of you doing something crazy and me saying it won't stay up in hopes of lazyeight not taking away my license when it falls.

@Ron-Yr-Ar-Ttam: How do you think I feel? I'm a future structural engineer, I hoping to bring these back. My vision of the future has buttresses flying everywhere!

@lazyeight: Wow, your Catholic education was much better than mine.