
@Pessimippopotamus: That would be nice if I didn't have to cut my way through the Grey's Anatomy folk to watch Fringe. As a college student at a numbers disadvantage and unsuitable terrain for guerrilla war, I have only one option. Hulu.


@achilleselbow: Yeah, but that's Jezebel. They're an angry bunch over there.

@KillerIri5h: The problem is that most of these kids are going to be shopping with their parents, So many times I have seen parents buy M rated games for their little kids. nothing anyone can do about it because the parents don't know what's in the box, or worse, don't care.

@Slothboy: Actually I'm pretty sure nothing happens when that 13 year old buys it, but I'm not sure.

@Kovitlac: I hate Postal. My biggest problem isn't that you can do all those ridiculous things, but the game encourages such behavior and goes so hard for the shock value. I would love if more games had realistic fluid physics , but I'd rather it not be for urinating.

Pretty sure The Onion is making a reference to Shadowrun, but then I think everything is. . .

@Swifter: I think if you look back last election they had the liberal dystopias.

@ladypeyton: I am afraid of it. but I will now Hulu it when I get the chance.

@AegisOrnus: Eh, I guess you're right, I got tangential trying to explain my previous statement to This is not the commentor you were looking for...

@This is not the commentor you were looking for...: I'm not trying to control them, I'm just pointing out that they exist, and that I would say that there are some games that lack literary content. I'm not making a statement on whether they should be controlled, I'm disputing his claim that no one who plays video

@Wrecklaimer: It's like a Uwe Bol film only, it is one.

@derek.goeckeritz: I don't think you understand the gravity of this. Should violent video games be considered obscene, they will likely be banned from major retailers like AO games are. This means that they won't be around for parents to buy, unless they go to some store that specializes in selling these obscene

@De Gnomer: I would. I make a point of not saying anything online that I wouldn't say offline. Mostly because in print it can always come back to you.