@slim934: HIGH FIVE! I'm glad there's someone else out there who realizes Rights are an illusion.
@slim934: HIGH FIVE! I'm glad there's someone else out there who realizes Rights are an illusion.
"Hmmm. I wonder if anyone who plays video games would agree that there are games that "lack serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value for minors." Probably not."
@8x10: Eh, mostly they're just less blatant. My problem with Fox is that it's not as good at subtly manipulating the news as the others. It's one thing to be an evil manipulative corporation, it's another to be bad at being an evil manipulative corporation.
@8x10: Yeah, but they're also more likely to blatantly lie.
@JennaW: Probably replace it when next year starts. She just doesn't look structurally sound. It's disconcerting.
@Pope John Peeps II: Sooooo tiny do not want.
@YoungWilliam: Anyone know how long ago episode 4 aired?
@Nick Edge: I'm pretty sure it was invented with Half-life 2 and the source forts mod, or before that and Garry's Mod.
@Snow leopard: but the second one was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... bad
@CoffinDodger (If the typos crap. Blame my keyboard): I didn't like it as much, gotta go find it again and decide how much of it's non-existence came from my father's hatred of the "corruption" of the greatest film ever.
@Fierock: Just tell them Big Bertha sent you.
@crosis101: Don't turn your head, don't look away, and whatever you do, Don't Blink. Blink and you're dead. Good luck.
@William Mize: Maybe I'm a bit of a sociopath, but I gotta admire the heartless efficiency of the torturing of pedophiles.
@CoffinDodger (If the typos crap. Blame my keyboard): In my household the Redux does not exist.
Oooohh It's what you'll do to meee. .. .
I watch on hulu, and therefore cannot watch for another month. Dumb idea there SyFy.
@collex: I just really hate it, and I usually like that sort of thing.
@syafiqjabar of Mars: I remember being amazed they could get away with it.
@syafiqjabar of Mars: I'm so glad I'm not the only one who thought that about Beast Machines.
@hypochondriac: Trust me, it's real. It's just been buried under so much obscurity it'll never rise again.