@collex: yeah, it's a great idea. WITH THE SOUND OFF!
@collex: yeah, it's a great idea. WITH THE SOUND OFF!
Not sure if want, but it sounds like Planetside. If it is, I'm cool with that. Planetside was kinda like Tribes MMO. It didn't have Spinfusors though.
@RedCarmine: That's because Activision.
@videobeagle: I really should. Gotta find out when they're filming.
@Smeagol92055: Well, it's a large platform from which to defend.
@ShanaLD: They're scarier that way.
@dr_bambi: No problem.
@videobeagle: Huh, they film in my hometown, and it's really awesome watching obvious landmarks in what's supposed to be Boston.
@dr_bambi: It's from five and has Glory in the hospital.
@videobeagle: never even heard of it. That name is nearly as awesome as Robot Viking.
@Foxstar is in love with Kotaku's two Brians.: I'm with you. It shouldn't work like that.
@Charlie Jane Anders: They're hungry hungry FOR JUSTICE!
@foolish-rain: also, they're reasonably good at grabbing spoiler pics that only make sense if you've already seen the scene. Like the Buffy one they love to use. Shocking in context, otherwise it's just some chick in front of a wall.
@1Grand_Marquis: What a twist!
You know, the clip was improved 100 fold by the polka music playing in another browser tab. I only realized that it wasn't coming from the video when the clip stopped and the song didn't.
@Canon7D-Fanboy: Hey, I just watched Red Sonja again recently and was very confused by Conan speaking full sentences. I know the feeling.
@gods-n-clods: You know what Jason did after that take? He high-fived the stuntman for passing his impenetrable defense.
@Charlie Jane Anders: I didn't say I bought it. I got Ghostbusters 2, and nearly bought Cruel Intentions, but I was really there to help my mom pick a printer, so I thought better of going on a terrible movie spree.
@videobeagle: oooooohhhhhh .. . those sneaky interpol folks is running some black ops they is.