
@gods-n-clods: I don't even know. While we're on the subject, where were all the spiders? The source material was all spiders all the time, with brief breaks to fight "Our orcs are different."

Does it at least have Kristanna Loken being flexible? or possibly flying on a vine? Why were there elves in Dungeon Siege again?

@Dr Emilio Lizardo: It's like me and sci-fi/fantasy buildings. That. . . Should not. . . STAND! *twitch* *twitch*

@Canon7D-Fanboy: Arnold was not playing Conan in Red Sonja. He was playing some other muscular swordsman.

@videobeagle: Yeah, but before he was sort of there in the background, because you knew he'd come back, but weren't sure when. Now it's the Italian and that evil bank guy.

@Dr Emilio Lizardo: Not all of us are doctors. I get the same away about buildings that aren't structurally sound, though.

@Infernorhythm: I want more Badger in Leverage. They set him up to be the recurring villain/rival, then ditch him for the third season in favor of an Italian and a world wide conspiracy. I was not pleased.

@cortexiphansession: Not at my university there isn't. Some sites just fail more often than others.

What annoys me is that I can't watch it because it's not up on hulu yet. I wanted to watch it before class.

I feel like the less they show people playing the game the more likely it is they will sell copies.

@Andy Neil: The people Cult leaders prey on often like the subconcious trigger of the biblical name.

@Whooped.D.Dew: I am not sure what this comment means, but you don't touch The Bard.

@Kobun: and A is for AWESOME!

@dracosummoner: To give a less fanboy view of the difference than you'd get from trollman up there. Many PC elitists view making the game more arcadey and actiony means it's being dumbed down for the obviously inferior console players. This guy is probably trolling, but maybe he plays STALKER on the highest

@GamerKT: Nope. The clones had accelerated lifecycles so they'd be ready to fight. It also meant they'd be dead in about 20ish years. They're all dead by the time of Episode IV, the stormtroopers are using slightly modified equipment and are mostly just dudes at this point. There's probably a couple dying clones in

I want the season 2 DVD now. Sooo badly.

@3in1Doctor: I'd spent the past week playing Left 4 Dead.