
@DrZaius: There weren't any, I'm just mocking the Buffy fans who say that.

@dowingba: I got all the Star road exits. I gotta try a slower run on the timer one.

@dowingba: I can't tell the green from the yellow in the sidescrollers, and that's Super missile or Power Bomb. and those are too valuable to waste. Bioshock 2 has you timing a moving bar so it stops on green areas but not red ones. I can't tell the difference.

@dowingba: I know that I only need 96. got any hints on what to do on the timer? I assume faster = Better, but my speed runs don't seem to be cutting it. Haven' beaten Special world yet Been OCDing a handful of levels first.

@necgray: Yea, they foreshadowed it a little, but then it was AIDFGBSITO BVU OHDJMGJGVDMHV MIND MAGIC! I mean, that seemed a bit out of character at that point, and then it became Magic is Bad mmmmm k cuz there's creepy guys who like to taste you. Abusing power was one thing, turning magic into a backalley dope fix

@peteer02: hates geofencing: I think the question is whether it's cheaper to store them for years or battle appeals to kill them. Screw morality, we can't afford to keep people in prison.

Speaking as someone who firmly believes that Angel was a better show than Buffy, or at least more consistent, What I've read of the comics of each supports that. Buffy's season 8 has been all over the place and far more ridiculous than it should be in places, while Faith and Giles hunting rogue slayers has been

@necgray: My biggest problem with season 6 is that magic ceased to be a metaphor for female empowerment, and lesbians, and 180ed into drug abuse, way out of the blue, poorly handled and seemed to equate lesbians with crackheads. Not really how they had been portrayed before.

@DrZaius: I like to pretend the last two didn't exist.

@worsethannormal: But why does Angel want to stop that? Why has he been fighting her this whole time? Why does he want to remove all magic from the world?

@dowingba: HIGH FIVE FOR COLOR BLIND! Do you hate Bioshock 2's hacking as well? I can't hack in that game, so sadly I will never play it again because it's hard to progress when you can't open doors.

@dowingba: Ah, see, I still haven't beaten SMB I've beaten Super Mario 3 and am on my way to beating Super Mario World, but I was never allowed to play long enough to beat SMB as a child, and now that I'm older my sister claimed the NES so I can't take it to college. My rules for playing the old games is that I

@dowingba: Is there some sort of video of this wall jump? I am infrigued by this no coin route, as well as wall jumping in the 80s. I thought that was more of a Hyabusa thing than a Mario one

@dracosummoner: Is X-2 going to feature only scantily clad women?

The funny thing is that she looks more like Miranda than Yvonne does. Her jawline matches up more to the in-game model. I dunno what happened when they were doing the characters for Mass Effect, but the face they got doesn't look like Yvonne.

@Dan2593: I suspect failure. If you need to defend something or keep turning a crank to open the gate you're dead without cover fire, and fat lot of good that gate does now.

@Female Orca: I knew it had to be Bill. He was the old soldier who wouldn't fade away. Farewell old friend, and may your beret continue to inspire other soldiers on the battlefields at 2fort.

@Salari: That is awesome. I wish I could do magic nude, but I'm mediocre at slight of hand.

@Pope John Peeps II: It wasn;t always that bad, it used to be funny, and cool. now it's just there. Sorta like Heroes, but a little less painful, because of the large quantities of Yvonne Strahovski.