Gern Glenston

What is wrong with voting for a candidate who actually acknowledges the struggles that you and your family go through on a daily basis. Whether or not Trump actually follows through on his promises, notwithstanding.

As long as Diggs and Bradford stay healthy Minnesota

The real shocker here is that Danny Valencia has a shoe endorsement deal, as in, some shoe company marketing whiz thinks that as many as one, or more, human being somewhere on this giant round ball we call “Earth” will be so impressed to see Valencia’s majestic-1.0-WAR ass wearing a pair of said shoes and say to

How many times have sportscasters uttered a banal sentiment about “honoring our troops?” There’s a political calculus under that statement that never gets examined but that’s an endorsement of a political viewpoint. (And might even be a paid promotion.)

Bullshit, I could punt that kid at least 15, maybe 20 yards.