
Yes, I also don’t think too many of Clinton’s younger critics understand the political climate of the time. I’m no “third way” fan but Clinton squeaked into office while Reagan’s popularity was still high.  The only reason a Democrat won that election is because the Right was pissed at GW Bush for raising taxes.   It

Agree.  Obviously some people will never learn.  Thanks for Trump, purists!

Joe Biden is the Dem responsible for Thomas. Bill Clinton put RGB on the Supreme Court! Not sure why you think Obama was any more left leaning than HRC- she was always more liberal than both Obama and her own husband. Also not clear on why you would equate Hillary with some “dirty old uncle.”   That’s ridiculous. 

Well, what else is new?  The NYTs goes out of its way to smear anything and everything about the Clintons and has since they stepped onto the public stage.

I agree. The show was good and it did not reflect Roseanne’s worldview. She was the foil, the Archie Bunker of the show. What a shame.

I love her mother!


Dems sued the Committee to elect Richard Nixon for stealing DNC information (Watergate) and won a settlement when Nixon resigned.

Don’t get too comfy. They hit the pause button prior to the big talk. It won’t last long.

Oh please, The NYT and the TV media have yet to admit their role in the election travesty. Comments like this just obscure their guilt even more.

Agreed. They also went negative because the guys in charge are sexist a-holes, just like their TV personality brethren: Lauer, Rose,etc.

The evil woman? I didn’t know she controlled the President. Did she cast a spell on him so he was unable to make decisions on his own?

Good point.