
It’s a damn good thing that Tesla is so far along with the Model 3 that they can now move on to a next-gen “Roadster” coupe and a magical semi-tractor. I understand they’re now ramped up to moving their Model 3 at BMW 3-series volumes, correct?

No fucking way I’m blindly paying money to Kickstarter for stuff.

I have enough issues with my self-selected one-offs that I almost don’t want to use the platform. The idea of paying money for someone else to pick for me? No way.

Guys will constantly push for bareback? Who knew?

Oh wait, everybody knows this, because bareback really does feel better. If the woman accepts barebacking before sex starts, that’s a mutual agreement, and the guy shouldn’t be blamed.

Not that hard to say NO if that’s what you really mean.

Funny thing is, nobody actually does “stealthing”. Red pill totally debunked that, because no red pill wants to be making child support payments for the next 18 years!

Bro, you fucked up. You didn’t realize you were actually on Jezebel in disguise. Rookie mistake.

But damn if you aren’t owning it. Props for that.

Wait, you don’t believe these vehicles will be platform shared across multiple badges, just as they are today? All of the crossovers will wear at least 2 badges, possibly 3 in some cases.

Hot take!

He doesn’t always fuck his sister, but when he does, they both yell “ROWW TIII!” when they come.

Nah. History shows that the poor didn’t get left behind with the Industrial Revolution, the switch from horses to cars, the Information Revolution or any of the other major transitions in technology. The poor will be just fine, and no worse off than they currently are.

get a hobby.

That’s cool, but how much to get body-color A-pillars?

You can get under 3 seconds with active downforce!

In the US, the bus deploys a STOP sign - a traffic control device that oncoming traffic MUST obey.

That Norwegian bus had no such device. The kid would have been at fault for rushing into traffic and not looking both ways.

More like it’d be the kid’s fault for not being “alert and careful” and causing damage to the truck.

Do the crime, do the time.

When you’re overseas, you’re subject to their laws. End of discussion.

Will it say “FREE CANDY” on the side, with a mattress in the back?

Would it be cheating to say I want a plain white 2018 Buick Regal sportback?

If only there were people who would check writing for these kinds of errors... Does Gawker even employ anybody who could give your article a quick once-over before you publish?

You can check the facts, but yeah, every year.

If you ask the legal team for any national Fraternity organization, the rules and guidelines are crystal clear. The members sign a document saying that they’ve read the anti-hazing, alcohol and other rules. Zero culpability for the organization, 100% on the individuals who broke the rules.