
I read Graham’s statements more as an indictment of Trump’s corruption, as in “if the evidence was so blatant that a judge was willing to grant them a warrant, this guy must be doing some pretty shady shit.”

Maybe I was feeling overly generous when I heard this, but I thought that Lindsey was saying “If the Obama administration had enough evidence to get a warrant for a wire tap that is a concern about the Trump administration.”

I find the wording deliberately vague. Depending on the outcome he’s either concerned that there was enough evidence to get a warrant or he’s worried that Obama was able to get a warrant without meeting the legal standard.

Not to mention the fact that Trump’s mentor, Roy Cohn, was McCarthy’s right hand man.

I think this entire thing is really worrying, but what is really pissing me off is his misuse of “McCarthyism” considering that he is starting witch hunts himself. Talk about projection...

No. One. Is. Still. Talking. About. The. Election. Except. “President” Trump.

Now playing

Nah, fuck her. She helped 45 spread that birther bullshit. I know people feel sorry for her because they think she didn’t sign up for this gig but she supported that asshole through the entire campaign and defended him after the sexual assault allegations came out. She’s a willing partner in all this, and she gets to

my barf for the day includes

I say to the Republicans, if you really want to do something politically good, don’t do anything. Sit back for a period of two years, because ‘17 is going to be a disaster... a disaster for Obamacare.

The truly ironic thing is that it was theirs. Thats why the Dems thought that they would compromise on it, but the Repubs are not a party of conviction, they’re just anti-Dem.

The guy has never done a day’s work in his life, either. He just surrounds himself with yes men who are willing to take the blame when trump fucks something up. He’s a boss, not a leader.

I so agree — not only does it un-clip the leash Trump had the press on but not having access can only drive the press to dust off their “investigative reporting” skills, more or less unused since Watergate. THIS, finally, is a chance for people who majored in journalism to do what they went into that thankless field

Also subscribe to the NYT or donate to Politico. Or buy student subscriptions if you already have a subscription to the Times. I would say get CNN but they still have Don Lemon and I hate him.

Same. Although she had a point to be made about Beyonce and Capitalism, but we’re not allowed to talk about that so.....

However, neither the hiring of undocumented labor, failure to comply with any labor, employment, or safety laws and regulations, abuse of any public benefit, nor any failure to pay taxes shall preclude any white person from being employed in the Trump administration.

Just remember: they felt all the other awful shit he said about racial minorities, Muslims, women, and LGBT people was just a matter of “free speech”. Apparently this is the thing that was too “offensive” for them and where they felt the need to draw the line in the sand, where they felt the need to “infringe upon his

This restriction is especially severe when compared to the Obama administration’s refugee cap of 110,000-per-year.

Because he’s a MAN and men have value beyond sexual currency.

I think it’s okay because he’s a man.

It’s going to be the biggest crowd in the history of mankind.