
Yep. I’ve come to the realization that a lot of Trump voters pulled the lever for him more or less solely to “piss off liberals”. The Endangered Species Act, as they see it, is just so much limp-wristed liberal handwringing. They don’t understand how vital bees (and other pollinators) are because, like you said,

Not to mention - JUICE ISN’T low in calories. It’s fruit sugar (fructose) and you’re healthier EATING THE DAMN FRUIT. Fiber and all.

The bees have been fucked with for a LONG damn time. Blame Monsanto - who will soon have ZERO regulations to deal with.

People will learn, either the right way or the hard way.

No bees, no food. It’s really simple. This is a list of all the food pollinated by bees.

What kills me the most about these deportations every Republican administration is how cruel and pointless it is. If they really wanted to end illegal immigration they’d put a single fucking employer in jail for employing immigrants without authorization to work in the US. All this does is scapegoat poor people who

Same level and statistically less intense than Obama. These numbers and styles of raids have been quo for two administrations before Trump.

I understand our alarm to the Trump Administration. I also see the reference to Obama’s deportation legacy in the post. But according to this article Obama deported two million immigrants, many of them convicted criminals. When you break that down that amounts to 680+ people a day for eight years. So, how is the

bitch, you cant lawyer up, they already judged up.

he insists on making it like a weird power challenge. If you watch him, he does this stupid tug of war thing every time and I’m sure, without a doubt, he over does it on the pressure. I hate men who do that because it’s such a stupid thing to want to prove. Especially since I usually wear a lot of rings and it fucking

I love the Politico article that says he has been surprised that government cant be run like his business

He’s kinda like this:

The wall will also need to loop through about 315 airports nationally, where the vast bulk of visa-overstayers - who make up the bulk of “illegal immigrants” - enter.

But... he totally would have gone if it weren’t for those pesky bone spurs. He was basically a cripple. If it weren’t for his copious amounts of testosterone he would have never been able to walk again.

Trump has signed three executive orders aimed at law and order,one of which calls for new legislation and new mandatory minimum sentences for crimes of violenceand related crimes(??) against law enforcement officers, because the White House is apparently under the impression that violence against police

“[Trump] called his national security advisor at 3 am with a pressing question he needed answered—is a strong or weak dollar better for the economy?”

I don’t think he’d be very surprised. This nation hasn’t “become” anything, it’s just remained what it always has been. MLK hit the nail on the head in 1963 in a Birmingham jail cell:

Get ready to experience being the coastal elites, Indiana.

Straight educational process aside (sitting in class, listening to the teachers, learning the material, doing the homework), the best thing that I can say that going to a public school did for me was expose me to different types of people.

My personal favoritebit of news today concerning our dear Senators was this one over on Politico, where Congressman Reichert told his fellow lilly-livered elected officials: