Use public transportation. It’s the only way you’ll ever be able influence the Trump supporters in a positive way by giving up your seat so they can fit their walkers beside them.
Use public transportation. It’s the only way you’ll ever be able influence the Trump supporters in a positive way by giving up your seat so they can fit their walkers beside them.
If the ban were announced with a one week notice, the “bad” would rush into our country during that week. A lot of bad “dudes” out there!
Didn’t the cops buy Dylann Roof Burger King after he murdered a bunch of innocent people?
There’s only one Dem who’s voted against every single one of Trump’s nominees: Kirsten Gillibrand.
“Never again!” We yelled for years, without actually fucking meaning it, apparently.
The GOP and everyone participating in enforcing this bullshit are complicit in crimes against humanity.
Wow. Book-readin’. How subversive and radical.
Someone tell His Fraudulency that “Voter Fraud” does not = “People (he) doesn’t want voting.”
The immigration executive orders are a nightmare. They are the worst case scenario. People will be ripped from their American families, women will be raped and murdered in their home countries after being returned to their persecutors, children will be locked in jails for weeks at a time, hispanics will be profiled…
I see what he’s doing here. He’s mounting an effort to seriously restrict voting laws with something like federal ID, even though his many syncophants don’t have the ‘nads to publicly dispute him. This is very dangerous, not just delusional and borderline insane.
He won the White House, but he lost the popular vote. Imagine being so petty, so rotten to the core, that you have to construct a myth of voter fraud to deal with that. Imagine being so coo coo bananas, you order an actual investigation into it
Can someone ask him why, if Dems could perpetuate MASSIVE voter fraud, they wouldn’t have done it in swing states? Jesus can we have ONE DAY without something absolutely bonkers?
Carson, who grew up in poverty, once said in a TV interview that “poverty is really more of a choice than anything else.”
I really, really want to believe in Sherrod, but for fuck’s sake - this is what gets democrats in trouble every.single.time. The GOP falls in line and obstructs and blocks and keeps in lockstep in their grinding halt to progress. Democrats shrug and say “well, maybe he’ll do okay.”
Yeah, because that’s definitely what the GOP did when Obama was in office.
This is literally what needs to happen. We need real progressives in office, not people who just give lip service and then become useless when it is time to actually take a stand.
“I am, to a large extent, an environmentalist.”
So, just as a reminder:
I am, to a large extent, an environmentalist. I believe in it, but it’s out of control