Go Fuck Yourself Red State Asshole

Favorite insult that doesn’t involve a curse word?

Bill Simmons wants to fuck Drew?

Typical Trump voter. Try convincing us that girl you hooked up with last night wasn’t your sister.

But much like Gillibrand in the Senate, you’re yelling at the right clouds.

I’m just happy there’s no Executive Order on changing it to The Black’s History Month.

As a Saints fan, I shouldn’t agree with you. As someone who fucking loathes spineless assholes who won’t dare backup their political statements, always had a good time in Atlanta, loves me some Atlanta rap music, and hates other Saints fans....FUCK IT. Geaux Falcons (Fuck you I know it’s obnoxious but I can’t fully

She was kind of a hypocrite and a dick. Not touching gloves with Holm before their fight or not shaking Tate’s hand after their 2nd fight hurt her image among a lot of hardcore fans. I have no doubt that the Bannon types dislike her for those reasons, but Rousey did a lot to make it bad for herself.

Fighters usually gain 10 to 20 pounds after re-hydrating after weigh-ins. Most fighters walk around a couple more than their re-hydrated weight.

Randy Couture, but he’s an anomaly same with B-Hop, but that’s boxing. 

For Rousey, I can think of at least 3 million reasons.

I’m glad Rousey opened the door for women fighting in MMA and proving that they can be draws too. However, she was kind of an asshole and I took particular glee in seeing her get demolished twice. This was a really shitty thing she said about ring girl Arianny Celeste in regards to their Maxim rankings:

I think Rex is too much of an intellectual to have a place in a Trump White House.


I’m surprised you have time to type on the computer with you fucking your sister so often. Eat a dick snowflake, you’re shit opinions isn’t as original or shocking as it sounds. Go back to fucking your sister.

Congratulations $kaycog as this is the first time I’ve seen you post outside of Jalopnik. Here’s a naked ODB.

She knew.

Might be the first time in internet history that someone is genuinely asking.

There was a time in America where you could disagree with someone’s politics and view them fondly. That day ended on November 8th, 2016. If you voted for him, sorry that you’re a hateful asshole who lacks critical thinking skills.

They aren’t wrong. It was about a state’s right to be racist, slave owning assholes.