Go Fuck Yourself Red State Asshole

I feel like me and The Naming of the Schrö should just come up with lists for worst moments in team history for every team in America. By focusing on the misery of sports, I can distract folks from the misery that is our country :-)

- That time Jamal Anderson, coming off an 1,800 yard season and a massive new $35 million contract, tore his acl at 26 years old without being touched.

It was the right call but got damn that is some sorry ass execution. Of course, it’s kinda the same thing as the ending of the Saints-Broncos game too.

The 1st Transformer was a legitimately enjoyable film. The problem was Michael Bay kept fucking that chicken and this is the resulting mess. There is a significant portion of people that didn’t like a female cast in a Ghostbusters movie, but I think Paul Feig and Katie Dippold writing a crappy script is the bigger

Do you feel like an adult when you fuck your sister?

*takes another bong hit*

I used to be a steel snob that cared about forged and the type of steel used. I think I’m firmly in the blade geometry and heat treatment is more important camp.

I used to be a steel snob that cared about forged and the type of steel used. I think I’m firmly in the blade

Take the L bruh

I’m lucky that one of the best pho restaurants in New Orleans is Pho Tau Bay. The head chef was a white man cooking the same food as my family, so I don’t get upset about non ______ cooking ______ food. Except that guy in Philly telling people not to put hoisin sauce in their pho. I don’t do it either, but that guy

I did enjoy it.

This is a car blog. Let’s not make it about politics.

Try explaining that shit to young white men. Regardless of political leanings, Clinton was the worst candidate in the history of the Democratic party blah blah Bernie blah blah I’m not sexist blah blah Vote Elizabeth Warren blah blah but Warren might have lied about being Indian blah blah Adam Sandler 2020.

A lot of why I hate Saints fans stems from the fan base cheering a late hit on Cam Newton in the midst of a 7-9 season as something to cheer for. Let’s just say we don’t agree politically on any issue. And they are super racist.

Grown ups tweeting about SNL at 3 in the morning.

That’s kind of true for every team. Except Saints fans. They are all shit bags and I hate my own fans more than any other fan base.

Jesus is it that hard to have a minimal amount of empathy for a guy with a fractured fibula? Earl Thomas has been a good citizen, seems like a decent guy, and arguably the best player at his position. I might understand your sentiments if the guy was a shitbag like Greg Hardy. You wouldn’t feel bad if someone like

You created an account and this is your first contribution?

I don’t blame him. His last contract was about $27 million guaranteed and he has a Super Bowl ring. Why not enjoy your money and health?

Same thing in high school for me. I drove home from school for lunch and heard a meow. I thought I ran over a cat. Looked inside the engine and there was this tiny kitten in there. He was a little bruised up but we cleaned him up and adopted Hemi.

According to Trump supporters, he’s playing that Star Wars holographic chess.