G Funk

Eh. I am somewhere between “big fan of boxing” and “casual fan of boxing,” in that zone that happens when you are a big fan of something and sort of fall off. And the fact that no one in my family can name whichever heavyweight champ they prefer is a problem of the sport, not them. Everyone knew Tyson. Most knew

In this very broadcast Buck Martinez referred to one-time Blue Jay Jose Cruz Jr. as ‘Junior Cruz’.

I read this headline as being impossible, and then realized I’ve just gotten to that advanced age where I get newer players confused with older players and I had read “Kevin Millar Takes Flight Again”.

“Spread your wings, Spiderman!...”

I don’t think the color analyst yelling “Get on Your Horse, Superman!” was very well thought out.

But still no gold gloves because it’s really important that Brett Gardner get one for playing a reasonably good LF.

If anyone is curious what Alkah and his “mud people” look like:

copyrighted Pepe is the rarest Pepe of them all.

Something that stupid makes lefties literally shake. What a pathetic sect of people.

Kinda like ANTIFA?

Nazis never claimed Pepe, you dipshits made a false connection and 4Chan ran with it to piss you off. always, it worked because you people are window licking retarded.