
I haven’t thought about that before, but that’s a good point. There is plenty of information about nuclear technology out there. It’s not cutting edge science. But most countries still don’t have nuclear weapons, not that many even have power plants. International will is a big reason why, but it also has to do with

I don’t know man. Sometime around 2009-2010 the state became so polarized politically, almost a 180 from how things were. I think the blame lies with the recession, the really intense anti obama fever that took over conservative parts of the state, But mostly Walker.

Last Brewer game I went to the cops went around the parking lot in the 4th telling everyone they had to get into the stadium or leave. I think it’s a bluf btw, I don’t think they can make you leave if you have a ticket.

Fucking depressing, but so true. This is why my blood boils every time I hear someone say they don’t vote because “It doesn’t matter, both parties are the same, all politicians are corrupt, etc”.

I think most people in the Madison area are pretty cool with MKE. But besides that I think you’re right. Also, it seems like the MKE hatred is way more intense since Walker came around. There was always some underlying resentment/suspicion. But Walker has done a great job of stoking the anti-Milwaukee fires, and then

Same here. I knew one guy that was a Bucks fan. One the other hand most of my Wisco friends are big Badger basketball fans. But, I grew up in Madison so my samples kinda skewed.

Jesus Christ, get over yourself.