George M.

Gee! I wonder who was operating the TelePrompter? Perhaps somebody who wanted to make her look bad on purpose? Do you think?

Nah! Too much competion from fellow comrades.

Black folks have family roasts all the time. Unfortunately, they often end in violence and murder.

The best reason. “you can never be too skinny or too rich”.

No they just changed the channel to anything but ‘Comedy’ Central.

I thought that was one of the funny ones, actually.

Have you ever been to a roast where everyone had the same mindset? BORING! You got to have somebody to despise; otherwise, no ratings.

If you weren’t a fan of hers before, you aren’t one now, and vice-versa. She doesn’t give a damn for you and 99% of all the other trolls on this site.

It’s OK for one black person to call another black’ “nigga”, but when a white person does it, they are ‘racist’. LMFAO

So go back and demand a refund. You obviously didn’t earn your diploma (that’s if you actually graduated).

She should have worn the outfit that bitch on the MTV awards had on the other night. Then she could have gyrated on the floor, and called it ’dancing’, or ‘art’.

It’s a lot easier to kill conservatives than to kill liberals. There are so fuckin’ many left wingers around, all the assault rifles in the USA couldn’t get ‘em all.

Can’t compare AC to a queer, gay, fag, questioner, undecided, half-man, half woman (did I leave out any other descriptors?). She’s as straight as they come.

Black people invented racism!

You don’t tell jokes about the disenfranchised, you pity them. Didn’t your mother teach you anything when you were a kid?

So how come you assholes can’t ignore her? Is it like the moth driven to the flame?

If Ann Coulter hadn’t appeared, the roast would have bombed. I thought Rob Lowe was dead. I had to look it up in Wikipedia, to make sure the roast wasn’t produced in 2008, or something.

It’s because liberals don’t take reality seriously. They don’t believe in God, heaven, the devil, or anything else. When life ends for them, that’s it. Reminds me of the monologue Steve Martin gave in the ‘70's, where he died and faced eternity, and said something like, “You mean this is all true? They taught me in

Well, I don’t like Papa John’s pizza, and now I know why. Peyton Manning’s puked on every one of them. Make him Ryan Lochte’s PR man, stat!

That’s the only way those retards like Martha can seem funny. They have other people write their jokes for them; they don’t have half a brain to think of something themselves.