Mark Prichett

Or, some of them have these submarines. They put the drugs in the submarines bring them across the water.

It pays to keep an open mind, look at all the possibilities, no???

The women tomorrow will be giving testimony.  So, will find out about the gang rapes and drugging. If there is really a gang of guys pulling massive criminal acts, wouldn’t we have heard something??? Food for thought, no???

But then I think, there’s also the possibility of doing these things for fame. Maybe that right there is a rub.  Food for thought???

Well, but none of the other evidence Has been corroborated by witnesses. According to Cavanaugh, Not only did he not try to fuck Dr. Ford But he wasn’t fucking anybody, for years.

Well, I’ll tell you what. He was in a fraternity I think and he did do some beer drinking.   So right there you’ve got a group of guys and gals drinking beer in the weekends.

Well, I’m thinking that Trump is thinking to himself “Oh, if I can get Kavanagh in there, he’ll vote for my wall. “

Well, unless she’s telling the truth that she knows it, but there’s a bit of a mindfuck.

I believe both of them, Dr. Ford and Kavanaugh. They’re both good people who are telling the truth as they know it.

The more I hear of this, the better he looks.

What’s he avoiding?  Seems to me he’s done a pretty good job answering every question.

I think they will probably confirm him, which is a good thing.

think he’s probably up for whatever the committee decides.

I think we’re looking at the same set of events in interpreting them completely differently. I saw a very sincere man who genuinely cannot understand why people are accusing him of doing these horrible things.

That was some pretty moving testimony on his part. I don’t know whether he should be confirmed or not, but there’s definitely more credibility there than I thought.