
There is a huge difference between interest and necessity. The key word is “legitimate.” There is no legitimate concern to Joe Blow because he wants to draft the Giants defense in fantasy football. Joe Blow will not benefit from, nor suffer a loss of, anything in his life by being withheld this information.

A lot of stuff is “of interest” to a number of people, I’m not sure why that alone justifies violating someone’s privacy.

Schefter’s tweet had real negative consequences: two hospital employees who leaked photos were fired, and Jackson Memorial settled a lawsuit over the matter (probably filed by Pierre-Paul, but it’s not 100% certain).

the amputation may have been of legitimate public concern

“Schefter’s tweet had real negative consequences: two hospital employees who leaked photos were fired, and Jackson Memorial settled a lawsuit over the matter”

“Others may be frustrated that the game includes puzzles that aren’t accessible to all players.”