
You’re the guy who calls Microsoft and screams at the low level support Indian for how he messed up Windows 10, aren’t you?

You mean like every aircraft and auto and product manufacturer on the planet?No company can test for every possible scenario. It’s unfair to make that statement. Accessing insurance documents is not exactly a safety issue is it? Why not take a pix of your insurance document and keep it on your phone?

These aren’t exactly lethal airbags or excessive rollovers. They’re minor improvements that they don’t even have to make, but are.

Tesla: Should we proactively assess the hazards associated with our cars, and find mitigations?

When I was in college, my fraternity got a letter from a guy going through the 12 steps. He said that maybe 20 years before, he and a friend had stolen a keg of beer from one of the fraternities at the school. He had forgotten which fraternity, so he was picking one at random to apologize to. He included a check for

Which is why I made some quick and dirty 5-minute Photoshops of the 370z with 300zx headlights and taillights, or with 240z headlights. It’s the lights that I think drastically reduce the looks of the 370z.

Miata is again the answer.

Nah those guys are outcasts. I don’t wear a beard, hoodies at the appropriate times bc why the fuck is there hate on hoodies, and haven’t met many ‘techies’ who are socially rude/awkward, if they are, people won’t out with them, duh?... You use of ‘techno’ is wrong in that context btw.

....meanwhile, back in the real world, it turns out that Silicon Valley is one of the most socially progressive and enlightened places on earth. Companies in Silicon Valley tend to greatly exceed companies in most other parts of this country when it comes to gender equality, age discrimination, sexual preference, etc.

not useless

the topic is MILs, I was just explaining why I would welcome the kidnapping of mine, so I’m on topic to be fair

I’ll pay $37* for them to kidnap my MIL and not return her... I mean kidnapping a man’s mom, dad, wife, daughter or son would be one thing but kidnapping a man’s MIL is like a gift! am I right?

is jalopnik going to make lists again? I miss them lists bruh

The $30k number is an illusion. Do you really want one of the stripped base models with vinyl seats and no navi? For $30k you’re going to get a mostly loaded midsize sedan from the mainstream auto brands, or a fully loaded compact sedan from the same brands. Only a real badge whore would drive one of the luxury

You’re missing low flying pelicans, pokemon go, inaccurate tire pressure gauges, and showing off for the kids who are filming you leave Cars & Coffee.

Here are the top 10 causes of crashes, in my estimation.

It’s actually right in the exact target market for the app.

All the people who grew up with Pokemon, that now are very mobile savvy, are free to travel around at their leisure, and have jobs to afford paying for in-game purchases.

They did and they didn’t, and I can see both sides of the argument. Tesla’s SEC filings (you can read them all here) essentially say that if Tesla was found to be responsible for an Autopilot crash, and was made to pay substantial damages as a result, then that could be material to company shareholders as it could –

It’s also due to the beautiful city of Charleston, which combines two of the finest things American society has to offer: southern people and northern money.

Honda Accord. You can get it with 3-pedals and it is a damn enjoyable daily driver. You can have it as a hybrid or a powerful V6. It is comfy, affordable, reliable. You can fit real adults in the back seat and it also has a sizable trunk. It’s not a 3-series, but it’s also not a total bore to drive.