
I have the “allow non invasive ads” enabled, so banner ads are fine. It’s mainly to stop autoplay video ads, which advertisers seem to love wasting my loading time on.

i’m sure those websites you won’t support by accepting ads are over the moon with your subscription / directly paid support! (not very many sites get free hosting; that $ has to come from somewhere)

“Isn’t there a lot of denial in the porn business about how many STDs the performers are subject to?”

Holy shit. The way we as a society deal with sex workers is absolutely deplorable. One of the Recommended Stories here is about porn stars who testified about industry regulation and how creepy the NYTimes story about it was.

Wow so brave

Yes, my heart breaks for the PTSD suffered by the rapist who got caught, convicted, and was punished with a slap on the wrist.

Turner will have to endure this humiliating protest and live with the shame forever, even if the actual sign-holding peters out in a few weeks.

I think it’s wonderfully optimistic that you think he’ll feel shame over this.

I'm all for the protest but they should leave their guns at home.

Half these guys look like they've never ridden a bike. I thought it would’ve been a more Specialized group. that hicks???????????????? ToT

Im pretty excited, but I’m prepared to be in the minority;)


WTF is up with the boob plates? I recall the actresses aren’t even that busty, standard battle armor would’ve worked just fine.

ew. That just killed my interest in the movie. Completely generic modern sci-fi suits and boobplates. Wow.

Really, i hate those suits so much right now.

LOVE IT! I really like the direction Marvel is taking with Iron Man and the way they update his suit for each movie. And a whole team of Iron Men! AWESOME! Not sure I understand why an Iron Man movie is called Power Rangers though. Is it like Iron Man: Power Rangers?

Before anyone complains, I had some trepidation about leaving Jack Kirby off the list. But, to me, those early X-Men issues had little of the crazy magic that I love Kirby for.