
He also looks like a mutant gerbil crossed with a Chia Pet.

Fucking Sprint dropped coverage again!

Given his reelect numbers, he needs to donate a lot more.

She doesn't count. That's Ivanka's job as daughter/wife.

There was the writing to her dead son, however. It was a bit of a mood killer.

"Xander…he didn't leave a name on them."

"I stroke her hair and spoon for the appropriate time."

Given that was what everyone predicted, big whoop.

You're picturing him as the Night King right now.

Lannister propoganda!

Do shut up dear. Anything from you? No? Good. Let the grownups speak.

There are few people who achieve the perfect balance of "hot" and "adorable" like Alison Brie does.

Wrong studio!

Yeah, the First was basically the Buffyverse version of the Devil.

The Mayor is the best Big Bad. No contest.

Adam killed her in their very first scene.

It's a shame he never screamed at any of his minions about the pledge pin on their uniform.

As far as the fate of the X-Men goes, yes, the "Westchester incident" a year before the film is responsible.

Why not go the extra mile and accuse Cogsworth of being gay since he's voiced by Sir Ian?

ACA "repeal and replace" is dying a long slow death. There's no plan and even if there was, they can't agree on anything anyway.