
Counter-point to both points: maybe e-sports are equally valid to physical sports and both are largely a waste of time. Have fun playing soccer with your friends, have fun playing Call of Duty in your house but making a huge Thing out of organized either sucks the joy out of it.

Kelly didn’t punch anybody, the angle is super deceiving. He was just trying to make it to where Beal was. He does not even punch Wall, his arm is being held and he pulled it free which makes it look like a punch, but from this angle you can clearly see he doesn’t even touch Wall or anyone else.

Oh, yes. Heaven forbid that Penn State should ever be allowed to move on from its shameful past. We must grind their noses into the dirt. They must suffer interminably. Bad, bad Penn State. The people who played tonight must take no pride in their accomplishment, because ooriginal sin and all that.