
So it sounds like they're recommending that we store them in the refrigerator (cool, dry, dark place) - sorry but sorting through dozens of small jars in my fridge just doesn't seem practical.

And is a heck of a lot cheaper

We own our home, and like several others, have had ongoing venting issues. Really caused concern, when someone I work with had a house fire caused by a build-up of lint.

Link no workie

I don't know - 27 reviews on Amazon, 10 of which are just 1 star.

Lucion's File Center is pretty good, and interfaces quite nicely with ScanSnaps

I grew up in Chicago, and still remember when Ebert would call-in reviews to a local radio station (this had to be in the mid-80's). He was always very down-to earth, bringing a "real" quality to his reviews.

VOTE: ScanSnap S1300i

Not to mention, that if the rotors were doing their job, there's be a lot of wind

What's with the slip-joint pliers and disconnected battery in the engine-bay picture?

I'm on Firefox 19.0, and it doesn't work


Really like the screens and options available with eWeather HD,Radar HD,Alerts from Elecont Software

Business Calendar is a little more expensive, but does all this and has a widget you can put on your lockscreen

No dice for http, https, or www

Some tractors back in the 50's had an overdrive or highway gear, and would easily do 30-40 mph. Trouble was that tractors have a high center of gravity, and no suspension, so too quick of a turn, or hitting something on the road, and no more farmer

Why not just make some yourself?

You use something like to sync Google's calendar to Outlook