Karen From Finance

“I do think vaccines help with the public health and helping prevent the occasional fatality,”

oh this sounds like a GREAT idea.

“Hey, can I borrow the car? Before you answer, remember that time I risked my life to save our livelihood and my grandfather from ax wielding robbers? Kthxbye!”

I mean, as Jewel said: “As a feminist, I can’t support everything that’s being said tonight, but as somebody who hates Ann Coulter, I’m delighted.”

I think it’s wonderfully optimistic that you think he’ll feel shame over this.

I love this man and I support his work

Can’t happen soon enough.

she was a malicious little gnome.

Amy Schumer is experiencing some less than stellar book sales.

It would appear Mother Theresa was in fact quite the asshole.

Lately I’ve been really feeling this conflict surrounding the Brock Turner case (and the other ones like it). Because on one hand, I’m 100% against rape. On the other, I’m not the wrath and punishment sort.

In all fairness having some random offender (as in convicted and released) live next door to you likely doesn’t put your kids in danger. It’s non-convicts and first time offenders who are likely to do it (since no one is watching them). To boot a victim is usually related to their offender or said offender is a close

I’m conflicted too. However, I firmly believe that if you tell people that they are completely unredeemable, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy and they will decide that being a pervert is their unwavering identity. That's pretty dangerous.

I would feel upset that he could look at my child on the regular and insert my kid into his gross fantasies.

I don’t like sex offenders any more than the next person, but I think it’s pretty dangerous to make their lives so damned unlivable that the ones who want to be rehabilitated lose any motivation to stay on the right path.

Some other country’s done it and shown success?

In Ontario there are programs to help rehabilitated sex offenders reintegrate. It has been very successful and makes a lot of sense when you read about it.

I like Katy Perry, she seems like she’s having fun in life. So many adults are so joyless. They watch Big Bang Theory when they want to laugh, but they don’t have pure, unadulterated, silly fun, they’re too busy looking for decorating ideas on Pintrest and discussing their children's sleep habits. Or maybe it’s just

Having 20 kids would be uninhabitable for me too. I'm glad they saved those poor women from such cruel conditions.