
Good God no. Crossover “coupes” are the most pointless abortions foisted on the car driving public.

I look forward to this car slowly making its way around tracks next year in HPDE novice run-groups.

The policeman broke the “language barrier” first and resorted to name calling. I think I would be just as indignant over getting pulled over, I wouldn’t give a LEO a hard time over providing my license, as I believe you’re required to provide identification without just cause being needed. But I could be wrong. Is it

On the other, I wasn’t thrilled with how Skinner’s character was portrayed. His hatred of import cars and undying love for fat-displacement V8s felt very heavy-handed and stereotypical. Perhaps this was funny for a non-American audience, but for me it felt tired and stale. Like, “Oh, look, here’s a twangy American

Alright! I sent this article in to you guys. I’m glad you all wrote something about it. This was so touching...and the ability of this kid to both enjoy the car, and while doing so think of his father, is priceless.

Well done Internet. Way to use your powers for good.

I don’t even understand what you’re arguing at this point. You’re saying that you don’t like American cars and they shouldn’t be sold outside the US? And you acknowledge that GM and Ford sell a lot of vehicles (some good) outside the US and that those vehicles are not American?

The problem with the EU is the margins suck. I don’t think automakers are targeting gross sales numbers anymore and are concentrating on profitability/right sizing. Part of being successful is milking a market while it’s harvestable (China/US). Another is investing into future technology (EVs/autonomy/etc).

Well, when you’re obsessed with being wrong, even when presented evidence that you are in fact incorrect, I’m not sure what tone you’d prefer. If you don’t like American car companies, own it. Don’t get in a tizzy when you’re called out on it.

So the largest car markets in the world shouldn’t be the majority of sales? 15% of sales from “other markets” is not insignificant.

I won’t bother explaining platform engineering to you.

He said, and I quote from the article, “Try building your cars in the United States instead of shipping them over.” Not “Try building more of your cars...”, But “Try building your cars...”.

The first thing the reporter said got me going.

Man, dont be that guy. From a physics perspective, he’s right. The practicalities of real life are implied and should be left up to the individual to assess the relative risks and benefits. Sure, it would not be a good idea to do this in Manhattan, but I would see no problem on a deserted -5% to +5% grade in Butt-fuck

Whoever writes these things at FCA must be happy - this’ll probably be the most read owner’s manual in a while.

I would file that under “H” for Toy....

My tinfoil hat is telling me that the owner wants to be rid of the car and knows he won’t be able to recover even a small fraction of his money invested. He’ll probably have the first renter fill the tank with 87, blow the engine, then submit a ridiculous claim to Turo.

Some Brit looked at the phrase “leave of absence” and said “That’s way too clear and certainly not British enough”.

In Europe, a loud exhaust note is considered unrefined