
Russian Troll.

Once you reach a certain age, pitching a tent gets harder and harder.

MGTOW sounds great. I’m all for these guys removing themselves from the gene pool - is there a way I can sponsor a local chapter without actually being in said chapter?

Reminder fo you from 3 years before:

I want this. Idgaf about what badge is on the vehicle cuz it looks decent and is a hatchback, rwd, decently powered sedan. Thank you Kia for making this,

“Step 5 automakers decide they shouldn’t build these silly cars because clearly no one must want them”

How would this work though?

To answer your questions:

When I see people carving their names in things at national parks and I confront them they always have the same excuse “well other people did it!” to which I respond “Moron, there are 15 names carved there. 1.5 million people visit this park annually. That means 1.5 million people -minus 15- aren’t as selfish as you.”

You’re entire premise from the very ground level is wrong; the other option is NOT to have had the same cards for the same price but with the line of code enabled; it’s to only have the more expensive option available. So no, these people wouldn’t be escaping with their 75kWH batteries, they’d be escaping in some sort

For cpu and gpu makers they would sometimes gimp a higher end card by disabling some cores or stream processors and then selling it as a lower end cheaper card. Would you complain about that.

So are you also upset that your ISP doesn’t give you 300mb/s for the same price as the 30mb/s pack simply because they have the ability to unlock that speed by flipping a switch?

Did you even read the article?

No, it’s not. Because in both cases, you’d know up front that the range is limited, or that only six cylinders are working. You can pay to upgrade. Or refuse the deal, and just not buy the car.

“and after I sign on the dotted line”

1st Gear: “There’s no doubt we lost our mojo – our way as an engineering company that made Honda Honda,” Chief Executive Takahiro Hachigo told the news outlet.

I suppose it’s also okay when a porter pulls the car around for customer pick-up and when the customer enters their own car, the stereo volume is turned up to an obnoxious (potentially speaker-damaging) volume on some shitty pop station that the customer would never listen to? You’re goddamn right it’s not okay.

Fuck you and your apologist bullshit. If he’s being made to work through his lunch hour, that’s between him and his employer (and possibly the attorney general or labor department of his state since it’s probably a violation of at least one law)

The fun fact being what, rationing? You really expect that to work?

I was going to respond to some market truthers, but decided I didn’t want a flame war. So I’ll put my 2¢ here...