
“... hit a set of spike strips going 115 MPH, subsequently barreled off of the road and into a drainage ditch, launched the truck into the air and landed on a car parked at a restaurant” 

If you changed lanes and forced someone to slow down, it can be considered an unsafe lane change/failure to yield. I was in the car when my friend got a ticket and that was what was explained to him.

Um no, a signal light does not give the driver the right to cut in, drive through or turn into anything.

Confirmed, right from the part bin

And what’s worse is that there’s this prevalence of passive-aggressive, non-constructive rhetoric. It comes off as superior and low-brow at the same time.

Funny how people don’t complain about fried egg headlights on a GT1. hypocrites.

Please note: That was a Rover.

Pilotis casuals are the best shoes for autocross, the loafers are actually in the ‘luxury’ group. I got the Prototipos, and a pretty large group of people in my state wear other models. Trust me, having the rounded heal with a super hard sole is super nice.

You know what isn’t funny? Like really not funny? Snarky clickbait journalism that attempts to be cool by saying something isn’t cool. Like really. Thank. You.

I feel like people who care about the pronunciation really should be worrying about life’s larger issues rather than how a car company name is pronounced. Doubly so for the high and mighty condescending people.

Tires keep on slippin’, slippin’, slippin’
Ending my future
Tires keep on slippin’, slippin’, slippin’
Ending my future

I want to fly like an Enzo
Into the ravine
Fly like an Enzo
Let the 100 proof spirits carry me
I want to fly like an Enzo
Till I’m tipsy
Oh, Lord, I’m going through the windshield

I like that he coordinates the excessive stickers on his car with excessive stickers on his shirt.  

Sounds like a 911 conspiracy theory...

The Not-At-Fault drivers were aware...of the traffic light and their right of way. :-P I’ll raise your take with an even hotter Take: drivers will never develop true situational awareness without adequate experience in traffic on two-wheeled conveyances.

I don’t think the OP was trying to put it down as much as offer clarification. If the term plumber wasn’t in common vernacular I could see myself explaining it as someone who fixes pipes, or that a mason is someone who does stone or brickwork.

The most Canadian part of this is that he has a rink in his back yard large enough to need its own Zamboni.

People today would rather agree with someone of Facebook telling them the Jews made the sky blue to cause global warming. Because if someone does hours and hours of research, that person surely has an agenda, if someone spews some racial slurs accompanied by bad spelling, he must be right.

Prudent of publications to not buy and publish the photos. Publishing images of people in bed without their consent has bankrupted publications before.

The way Apple botched their podcast app, it’s clear nobody there listens to podcasts while driving.