
I’m no fan of this monstrosity, but please. Almost every one of those European barn supercar builders uses or starts out with an American V8. Even Koenigsegg started out with Ford V8s.

Why do I get the feeling that every time I read a GT article on Jalopnik now, I’m reading wannabe movie critics try to talk above their paygrade? To me, TG was never about grandiose missions or purpose or whatever. To me, TG was always about life with cars. Sometimes it was beauty. Sometimes it was, yes, purpose, but

If I wanted an American clumsily typing comments that are totally disconnected from what the article was about, I’d just read the greys or YouTube comments. Your value-add proposition to this discussion is the fact that you allegedly know how to program a series about cars and/or what the public wants; why are you

I heard one time about a mechanic who accidentally got some brake fluid in his mouth, and realized he liked the taste. It started a little bit at a time, but a couple of weeks later, he was drinking four or five bottles a day, having developed a preference for DOT 3. His friends and coworkers held an intervention to

“This repo goes to eleven...”

Even with sterling credit, interest rates on a 9 year old car are likely to be around 3%. To beat that, you need to return ~4-4.5% in the market depending on your tax situation and the tax treatment of the investment. While that’s certainly possible with equities, you could also lose money. Not borrowing is a

That’s objectively not true.

What you can’t see in the mug shot are the Affliction shirt and the flat brim hat he tucks his ears into.

Way to veil your homophobia, asshat.

It’s worked for Kimi for the last 15 years!

Because when you want hard-hitting perspective about how the world really works, you go to a 24 year old blond who's putting together an audition reel for a sweet FoxNews gig.

An anecdote: A couple years back my boss gave me the keys to his 2006 911 C4S cabriolet with the directions to go wring it out for a 1/2 hour(best work day ever). Naturally I headed towards the closest twisty road and a favorite to blast down in my e30 after a long day. Problem was the 911 ironed out all the wrinkles.

Might want to invest in a roll cage. Or Prepay for the pine box.

Or you could look at it like: a small number of doctors wants to nip rolling coal jack offs in the bud which might prevent Utah from spoiling everyone else's fun by implementing California smog standards. Morons like this become lighting rods that people will use to get the state even more involved.

That’s cause it’s only a Lambo.

I respect your opinion, but Heady Topper is the greatest beer OF ALL TIME. That and Elysian sold out... ;)

Turns out this isn’t stunt flying at all, just the pilot trying to outrun that music.

Review tracks! People review cars all the time, but don’t give a crap about the tracks they review those cars onto. So a track review and a complete “How To” would be very interesting given your experience. Maybe a tutorial video to go along in a street-ish car with more regular tires to complete the write up? (slicks