
Speeding in Texas is very different than Washington. Much more strict here.

The wagon and manual help it hold onto value better though.

Sent out a link of the same thing just a bit after you without seeing this thread. Good choice!

Holds value, reliable, fast, good family car, modern day safety features and standards, fairly rare, presentable to clients. Try and you may like it

Not Avant, Cabrio!

Miata, Boxster or RS4 Avant

I said binary because you lump sum taxes into one category, it’s not that simple. You also write that all government is horrible and the free market system is best. Binary.

Introduction of overall taxes isn’t the argument at hand. Your bias of government suggests that there really isn’t much point of further discussion. Less binary thinking next time please.

The whole “see where we’re at” line is malarkey. It’s well known and discussed on what it takes to restore and keep up our infrastructure. Sometimes you have to write the big check and this is one area that shouldn’t need to be debated. And while I agree with killing the earmarks and pork barreling, I think that

What would you like to focus on? The wasteful spending? I addressed that above. Beyond that it will take additional revenue to help bring back our infrastructure. Just being more efficient with existing monies isn’t the entire answer.

Since the SH 130 tollroad went bankrupt, taxpayers have the following benefits:

Texas is experiencing just that problem. I’d prefer an increase in gas tax, an alternative tax for electric cars/hybrids, and tie in the taxes to inflation. Police the spending better and ban earmarks and pork barreling from taxes that should be used to rehabilitate our infrastructure. I like mass transit and bike

Clean cars drive so much better than dirty ones, save for rally cars.

So, will insurance total the car?


<3 old school Toyotas. Happy mom's day

Zombie thread!

This needs to be turned into a Slim Jim commercial somehow. Same target audience.

Japanese haven’t figured out how to eat it.

More of plants I believe. Captain pedantic AWWWWAAAAYYYY!