
4th gear:

Toyota + Lexus = Baby Boomer’s Buick

It’s inland, so kinda different. Think west Texas but has a river running through it. My wife interviewed around there and everybody was very Stepford wives about living there. Said we’d love it, but never really said why.

Buttercup response team... ASSEMBLE!


Easy there buttercup, you’re starting to melt like a snowflake.

It is still a cost to a business even if they don’t spend their own money on it. As you stated with the share dilution and the resultant decrease in eps, there is a cost to the business. But my point is that it is something that could be spent on lower tiered earners rather than the upper tiered. Discussing the

That Austin no longer exists...I hear Trump is looking into buying Barton Springs to turn it into a resort. Seriously, the relaxed skyline laws, the whitewashing east of 35. #Westlakeproblems

If we’re talking about burnouts in general, then I disagree. If we’re talking about burnouts on the freeway while passing cars or while stopped at a red light, yes. Nobody is conflating rolling coal with tractor pulls.

Stopped doing coke.

I don’t know about an m4 gts, but many cars are performing at a level that exotic and were a few decades ago, that includes the transmission.

So their engine for the McLaren F1 was overpowered for the transmission?

This is a red herring.

Company still pays for it; we all know this, right?

Yeah, you’ve gotta be careful. I don’t pull that shit anymore. If I see traffic or drivers I can’t stand, I just have another beer in the evening.

Hang out in their blind spot as they constantly change their speed.

Nevermind, misread. Sorry

Lane discipline: People who cut in front of others and go slow, can’t get out of the fast lane after passing, use the left lane for feeling safe.

Sold car, having twins and I couldn’t fit with two rear facing child seats. If I can find myself in another one, I’ll get some pics.