
Retuning the 2017 wrx for linear throttle response. Fiesta st was wavetrac front diff.

He had no problem doling out this very treatment when he was building F1. If he didn’t want to deal with this possibility he never should’ve set the company up for sale, he damn well saw this coming.

Looks nice, then I remembered it is in Texas, which sucks. How many execs do you think are going to retire shortly after moving to Texas, selling any investment properties they’ve purchased for a decent profit to new hires, cash in their retirement options with Texas’ lower tax rate then move back to California.

The manual option also removes the e diff.

A zipper merge is when two or more lanes reduce into fewer. This isn’t zipper merging, this is somebody being an asshole. You’re either ignorant to what zipper merging is or an asshole trying to excuse another asshole’s behavior.

I’ve got an angle

I don’t think anybody could possibly feel more entitled than these two.

Thanks for the laugh. Good stuff.


Will Mazda now do away with auto options on Miatas? Seems only fair.

I’ll borrow a saying from Jeremy Clarkson discussing Ferrari. When their road cars are good, the F1 team is crap and vice versa. Seems to be true for these guys as well.

This is nothing new in aerodynamics . Popular version of a gurney flap for a long time as well.

I’d be more worried about the auto manufacturer trying to silence an outlet because said manufacturer couldn’t do their fucking job to keep the pictures out of the public’s eyes in the first place. What else do they try to keep from being reported? Trucks with different safety standards?

Nah, pretty sure these are the droids we’re looking for.

I’d say respect can go both ways. Once the information is leaked, asking sites to take it down is mostly whispers on a scream and won’t do much. Secondly, respect journalistic outlets for providing news regardless of whether it impacts you positively or negatively. Finding out a site you frequent is nothing more

Like when Chris Harris talks about how much he likes the GT4 for that very reason. Honestly, if you can only afford a GT3 and have to use that as your daily driver, shouldn’t you be looking at a base Carrera or S? It’s kinda weird to think people go the extra mile to buy something set up for a track that by your own

You forgot to say ciao at the end.

My technical point that it wasn’t Boston is correct. Furthermore, you can see traffic flowing quite well in the two lanes to his right. There’s no zipper merge going on here, no reduced lanes. You’re trying to employ a strategy for a different traffic dynamic to defend an asshole position. He either didn’t get

The good news is that since the car is Chinese, US companies can basically copy the design and not worry about repercussions.

And they didn’t get over early enough if there wasn’t a spot.