
Way to make yourself seem the martyr Kellyanne. Wait in line like the rest of people stuck in traffic, you’re no better than anybody else.

This traffic isn’t in Boston, traffic was clearly flowing well just a bit before this.

Why do on ramps have to merge to traffic already flowing?

It wasn’t stop and go until traffic tightened up. Either he got over too late by trying to bypass the slower left lane traffic or entered the freeway too late to safely merge into traffic. I’ve driven through absolute crap rush hour traffic and try to get over early, etc. People who last minute jockey for a lane

I like that look on a 993 gt2 as well as the demon.

Business casual Sentra se-r

Hushed groaning noises are the proper response to sex scenes.


The ending with Tiff being reprimanded for drifting was fantastic.

If it’s of a new v90 wagon, we’re all envious.

Guy Fieri? AKA the turducken flowmaster.

Velocity stacks help out low speed power, not peak power. Inlet diameter of the tube is what determines peak flow capacity.

Soft pedaling the actions with terms such as “optics” only marginalizes the crux of the matter. If you invested as much time and energy engaging this issue as you do with the doxxing, you’d be a different person.

Has no problem taking a ball from somebody weaker than him. Has a huge problem with internet name calling and doxxing. Gets upset at intolerance of said bullies, pretends to be offended.

Stop at a convenience store or grocer to pick up some cheap foodstuffs on your way to the airport. You don’t have too buy the cramp in the airport, it’s your choice. I seriously doubt you’ll starve if you just wait till the end of your flight to get some food.

If only they had a wall protecting them.

Ls swap or gtfo/stfu...the equivalent of tits or gtfo/stfu in Jalopnik speak I think.

He hasn’t been shown with them. But that doesn’t mean he couldn’t be, right? I believe he could add to their dynamic if properly integrated. I’m always interested to hear what a proper racer has to say about the cars they review and adding his commentary with shtick could be entertaining.

Skinner should verbally confront Clarkson, slap Hammond heavily on the back whenever he says something pro American V8 and just deadpan whatever James May says.

The prepper segment was tops for me.