
Me either, I meant to reply to somebody else. Sorry

Without this publicity and notoriety, what incentive do manufacturers have to change?

Turn it into a Harold LeMay museum for the Midwest. That place is fantastic to visit and go for a few laps on their cxc simulators.

A bit late to this party, but did you consider the Dannmar MaxJax?

This article read very much like the one she critiqued of an entrepreneuer who tries to overgeneralize a market/group and explain why they’re superior. It reeks of ego, pride, etc. which is ironic when you look at a venn diagram of Jalopnik writers who also race. Some of them didn’t even have their own cars until

After saying Choos and Blahniks are your flavor?

The second cheapest (never get the cheapest of anything) esoteric car to qualify yourself as a car guy type of purchase?

Should manufacturers warranty cars if you take them on track days and wear out parts faster?

6'4@220. Gotta buy bigger cars, skis, camping gear, etc. Suck it up.

Bullshit, 300@5'9 is morbidly obese. Cut out your stupid alternative facts bullshit you perfect trump supporter.

That itself is bullshit, a mate of mine went with his partner on a guided horseback ride and they queried their weight as many obese people go on the ride, fall of the horse and can’t get back on.

Funny counterpoint, this would kill the sale to most of the prius owners I see driving today.

Sorry, I don’t agree with fat shaming or what have you. Conversely, at a certain point you can’t expect a certain product to perform despite your high BMI.

Your original post hardly reads as a protest, but your subsequent parts are most definitely of the shrinking violet variety. The boycott is not negative in itself, but the principles as to why can be viewed as positive or negative. This will boil down into the intolerant of the intolerant is needed argument. Why

Oh man, the poor poor snowflakes. Global warming melting y’all a bit too early?

The revised look of the Mustang is quickly growing on me.

Special K cereal anybody?

Could not agree with you more, but it started with my father telling me to always check my mirrors and know where everybody else is. That helped me in my cage endeavors as well as two wheeling it.

Doesn’t this sound oddly familiar to the impounded lot of cars for colliding with a bicyclist in the sense of misuse of authority?

I didn’t think Takuro meant anything negative unlike Arv. Never understood why people like to look down on tradesmen, most are hard working people.