
*straw man not scarecrow

I absolutely believe any race can be racist, your deduction of my character is as solid as your own simplified logic. The point is that you’re insulting a group which has had and still does a problem with being attacked for who they are. Your small aggression in calling Cooper prissy allows people to be more

I love it when people try to say all genders/races/whatever can be this derogatory term so I’m not racist/bigoted/homophobic/misogynistic when we both know that wasn’t what you meant. Weak

I think the fact that Cooper is a known gay and you said prissy pretty much nails it. Own it, coward.

Yeah, what is all this crap about the first amendment anyways?

Bernie Ecclestone hasn’t really set the bar very high for this sport. Not that I think he can set any bar high for that matter.

He did speak with the press, he just kept the ball going with each side’s poor performance. Subjective opinion about what is professional is not incorrect, both yours and mine.

Fair enough, he did a press interview though, just didn’t let then ask a bunch of questions.

I dunno, if the press wants to badger him, I don’t see why he should entertain them. His job is to race, not be a monkey for a borderline nobody.

Best article in a long time.

I thought we settled this last week.

With the number of baby boomers on the road in RVs increasing in age and decreasing driving competence, I was thinking about starting a driving service for their RVs. Call it “What a Way To Go".

It just read elitist, that’s all.

Is that color Miami blue? It’d look fantastic on a Targa.

I always love people stereotyping Americans, lambasting their myopia while simultaneously spouting that very myopic viewpoint themselves.

Weird, usually with these types of neighbours, you can’t bring enough white into the neighborhood. Can you imagine if the trailer was black?


How many times has a writer stated that the z06 has too much power, even for the track? It takes a pro level driver to control that beast.

Ford really is taking the fight to Ferrari.

They need a cage and a suspension guy, that thing was riding on the bump stops way too early on. After a driver dies, how many airports are going to let people run this kind of event? Keep the sport alive you idiots.