
Most racing series have regulated themselves out of relevance trying to chase the NASCAR business model. Very few are doing flat out whatever goes anymore. I love fuel economy, but let the engines run open, hybrid powertrains, awd, active aero, suspension, etc. Yes, the speed and cost would be silly, but it may draw a

Stopped drinking Elysian once they sold out. Way too many other good beers whose corporate masters long game isn’t to maximize shareholders return at the expense of the micro brew movement.

That doesn’t make complete sense to me, but you could say that threshold braking without abs is more skill dependent than slamming down the brake pedal on a car with it.

I disagree with daily driving shifting not taking any skill. It’s a learned ability, therefore takes skill. It may be easier to accomplish than other aspects of driving, but still takes skill. Doing it smoothly even more so.

Is it defeatable? For most cars they are.

Heel and toe shifting most certainly requires skill on a road course and it’s surprising how few can do it.

That Fiesta so hot right now.

Finally, all those years of table top and pen and paper rule comprehension pay off! This seems simple compared to first edition Shadowrun damage and Thac0.

The first Panamera was ugly similar to the first Cayenne. Both second iterations are much more pleasing to the eye.

I have the mileage numbers memorized on my cars. It may seem excessive to some, but may be a non issue for others.

I love it how investors are worried about ill-gotten gains only when they’re not the ones getting the benefit.

You’ll be fine, just relax and heal up. Maybe take some sedatives or alcohol. Did you get videos?

Crossplane v8 crank much?

I disagree, private surrogate teams who have close ties to the manufacturer aren’t that different from a purely factory backed team. Furthermore it’s easy to say factory backed teams can beat privateer groups, but look at F1 with Toyota, Honda/Brawn, Dauer with the 962, etc.

Malarkey, we can go through the history of racing to look at all of the homologation specials and see that some of the most vaunted manufacturers have done the exact same thing. Good win for Ford.

I really like the south park sponsored content episode.

Probably a knee jerk reaction from how bad Americans acted when Vietnam vets came home. I’d much rather have this than a bunch of misdirected aggression to people with ptsd after being in the shit for at least a tour.

I don’t think you can really brag about the German car’s resale value. Most of them tank faster than a U boat post 1943.

I’m 6'4"and fit fine in a fist.

Regardless of tangibles seen or unseen, the fraudulent bullshit shows the anti Tucker mentality lives on through soulless investment entities.