
Agreed. Natalie's voice is much stronger and better suited to the chorus. Especially the last phrase "wreck me". Every time I hear Miley sing it I think "You're kinda pitchy dawg."

Someone really needed to be taller that day.

I'm smiling but I'm so angry right now.

Better than that, I went from hating everything about myself and my life to accepting myself on my worst days and really loving myself on my best. Tell your friend I said 'hey girl hey!'

I don't see why it is such an issue. The world needs garbage collectors as much as it needs business men/women, doctors, lawyers, etc etc. There is no need for everyone to go to University. I mean the institution was and could be still meant for the wealth and elite to send their children to where they would gain

I am the mother of a daughter who is, by every standard, fantastically successful at a very young age (under 30). The same is true of her husband.
Both had extremely mundane jobs on their resumes when they graduated from college (although they had some great internships as well). My SIL mowed lawns most summers. My kid

What is this, like a Mormon naughtiness bracket?

Duke needs to look past its blind spot and start discussing class stratification on campus to create a more welcoming environment for poor students.

Snip: "A friend leaned over and said, "Do you think it's a good idea to put that on your resume?" In their eyes, it was better to list no work experience than to list this "lowly" position."

Congrats to you so much! I'm coming up on 2 months, which I know sounds like nothing, but it's the longest I've gone in over ten years. Though it's hard to tell with the fillers in her face what's going on, I hear ya.

Normally I enjoy my celebrity train wrecks as much as the next gal, but as someone celebrating my two-years-without-a-drink anniversary today (yehaw!), this just makes me sad. Girl, I see your bloated, pasty face, sad eyes and strange bruises. I know them well. Maybe I'm projecting, but I doubt it. There is a better

Really? Olivia you dispensing advice on this? Okay..

What if I'm laughing at you're comment?

I may loathe champagne but I'll be damned if Blue Moon gets to the Final Four.

Ambien Divorce.

Ah, yes. I needed my daily dose of mansplainy misogynoir. Pharell does not disappoint.

Is this an appropriate place to state that I just want some fucking single payer health care?

Well, what do you expect from a guy whose mom got pregnant out of wedlock and who had two dads?

Yes, adorable.

I'm not sure I remember mine well enough.