
that design looks like it was sponsored by brembo

i clicked through 12 things and didn’t see the new Z 12 times, is there a bug with the slide show?

i saw this and thought “that’s the most austin thing ever” and then noticed that was filmed here. nailed it

those are yeezy’s

99% of the concealed license training is to never ever ever draw/use

Windcrest is a weird ultimate HOA little city with 20 mph speed limits everywhere with a bunch of cops that pull you over for going 20.1 mph, so yeah, makes sense there

BUT if you make it your own, nobody knows that you have way more money than them!

my 2015 nissan versa with 109 hp

Not a fan of the austin area doing all the new “Continuous Flow Intersections”

I’m also interested to see how it plays out with this release now being the day after AMD’s announcement

When I worked at Sony online entertainment we worked between 80-100 hours a week for about six months. I’ve worked at other studios where we worked 60+ a week and only allowed to work 4 days a week because of all the OT. I’ve been in the industry since 2009 and other than articles alerting non industry folk about it,

meow that’s what i call racing

I’ve been in the industry since 2009, most crunch times were usually at the end of sprints, and 50-60 hour weeks were pretty normal. Worst crunch i’ve done was working 100 hours a week for about 8 months straight, all to be laid off with a few other studios. Another studio we were only allowed to work 4 days a week