
I’ll respond with a few questions for you.

Man, if you ever feel like you are depressed, just read an Orlove TMS post. I sometimes wonder if he types one-handed, with a tear or two rolling down his cheek, and the other hand trembling with a Samurai sword aimed at his belly... There is no optimism anywhere in your writing. Even when you try, it always has a

Gotta disagree here. It’s British Racing Green w/a Camel (or whatever the names are this month) Tan interior, or why even bother?

To be fair as well, I think that is a misconception.

Do tell...I don’t follow him like that, so I don’t really have that type of idea. I just know what I read from the occasional whatever.

I actually believe he is a pretty smart and moral guy. I don’t think he is trying to rip people off, I just think he is one of those dudes that can’t sit still for a minute.

Correct. There are plenty of super-rich, happy people in the world. They are happy because they do good things and don’t seek the “limelight”.

I don’t know much about all this stuff, but Mark Cuban is into it pretty hardcore. In fact, this year anyone that attends a Mavs game gets some sort of personal NFT. I have no idea why you’d want one, but he seems to think there is value there. I dunno, I guess?

I didn’t forget about air quality, and I agree it will help there to an extent. I didn’t feel like writing a book on all the pros and cons when the Gear was only addressing mining, though.

It’s not really that odd of a mistake for TMS.

3rd: Oh, please. All sorts of people clamored for switching to EV’s without taking the time to think about the effects. The “Global Elite” (which also includes politicians and the Media) saw the opportunity to basically create a whole new, very profitable market from scratch. There will be bad press, but only because

I never said it was any sort of “shadow government”. There hasn’t really been enough info to determine how deadly it is, but it appears to be much easier to catch. Which is a big problem for anywhere in the Northern Hemisphere because of the weather. The current state of burnout/lax attitudes about all of this is

1st paragraph: Pretty spot on.

I obviously could be wrong, but I have a funny feeling about this one. I think it’s gonna be a doozy. There are plenty of political and financial reasons to hype this one up, but I just don’t think this is case here.

No, I understand. What I find interesting is the people that want to pretend they are under the umbrella of “Eat The Rich”, and yet still watch a show like Succession with a rabid frenzy.

Is that sarcasm or envy? Tough to tell from that statement.

The bigger question is how are you still not using at least one of the multitudes of adblockers?

I like how the dude walking just reverses course after all that, at the same pace as before like a retiree out for his morning constitutional.

Thanks. It’s been scary. I’ve known that family since I was a wee lad. It is a pretty rare case, but they happen.

“Anyone contracting serious Covid at this point has made a choice to do so.”