
I know the lines are blurred anymore regarding what constitutes an American car company, but technically Lucid is majority owned by the Saudis. That said, I hope they are built right and turn out awesome.

I’d star you for starring me, but you wouldn’t see it anyway. Thanks, regardless!

They might not care about the line workers (Amazon, cough, cough...), but they certainly do care what the take-home pay is of the management team that needs to relocate there to run it. Government incentives are a surely a part of the big picture, but only a part. 

1st: I don’t think it has as much to do with the UAW. It’s a numbers game here, which is why so many companies are doing it.

Obviously. What would lead you to believe I did? 


Tough to say without being qualified on the territory, but there are a few plausible explanations. The one certainty is that is was at a signal, meaning it was at least controlled territory. With that being said:

I believe it’s just adding 6 express trains to the schedule. You are completely correct that it’s a congested area. It would be impossible to build 3 new tracks on that line. There is no room for it. Even if it was physically possible, that tab would have two extra zeros tacked on the price.

Correct. This seems more a nod to Biden’s love of trains (good, bad or whatever. This is not the point really). Amtrak isn’t exactly known for raking in the profits, so of course it’s gonna be expensive. I just don’t see it making much of a dent as a solution.

Based on the tweet, it appears that they are just adding 3 trains a day in each direction and not actually building anything. There will be some logistics involved with staffing and managing the extra equipment, but nothing all that complicated.

“Tesla has an obligation to not be a completely horrible place to work,...”

Seems like a pretty fun way to achieve a tax write-off for super rich people. Why not?

2nd: For all that effort Ford put into rationalizing some marketing mumbo-jumbo that sounds “hip” and “inclusive”, they still managed to find a way to alienate. Pretty impressive, actually, how daft that draft is.

Find me an example of me “crying.”

“Rather I’d argue the increase is a reflection of our culture’s relatively recent reduction in willingness to tolerate/platform toxicity.”

4th: While it’s unfortunate when any new car development is halted, this is the least concerning piece of their problems. Evergrande’s total debt load is staggering and they can’t pay it back. If the debt was only beholden to China, that would be one thing. The reality is that much of the debt is owed to large Western

“Sunlight is the best disinfectant, as they say, and companies can be pressured to do the right thing when the public gains visibility into their hyprocisy and and the toxicity they enable. That is the goal here.”

I do. The TMZ element of this site is fascinating, though. I’m trying to help people. Unless others step up as well, to tell all these knuckleheads to shush, it never ends. It’s is poison and needs to end regardless of the pep-rally squad they are yelling at.  

Brass tacks, for sure is what the article is based on. The intended emphasis is not. Hence my question.