
There's no reason to give anyone an exam if you are sending them to god knows where. Doesn't matter if they are healthy. No one who was Departed had a physical first.

Or Meggie is a red-herring, and it was Michaela's mom… because why is she in the show at all?

Isn't this just iZombie?

There were some really interesting things about The OA. And yes- frustrating things.

Yes, but because guests are unpredictable, they interrupt the loops constantly- dragging hosts here and there. It doesn't seem to be cost effective to let hosts kill each other when no guests are around to even watch "the show."

What is the purpose of the hosts interacting with each other when no guest is around?

I watched anyway. So few sci-fi shows to choose from. And it was bad.

I thought the first season was interesting… it would take a pretty crazy person to kidnap people to recreate a small mountain town to preserve humanity, so I was willing to go along with Pilcher's authoritarian take on how to make it work. Obviously, the greatest threat to humanity is human stupidity which the town

Fair enough.

I think the ones in the cellar jail transformed through Daniel's hallucination into people from his past he had killed… he was releasing their souls (in his mind).

This episode really sucked. You knew they wouldn't find utopia or the show would be over, and what they found was completely nuts, yet no one freaks out (but Chris… and his only emotion is anger). Very dissatisfying.

I actually believed Adam WAS dead. And so the mystery to me was why Ben was still meeting with his kidnapper and rapist? What had Doug said to Ben?

I miss LOST. I really really do.

Does anyone know where the black blood comes from? I guess I missed it.

No, you got it right.

Ugh, these are pod people. I call b.s. on that whole mockery of a takedown on Dixon.

Hahah, well-thought… But isn't Templeton's whole (vague) idea that the country would only be a better place if JFK (and RFK by extension) had remained in office? Make America great again - save the Kennedys?

I haven't read the book. I just had a chance to watch, and I enjoyed it- Harry's story is much more compelling than the JFK conspiracy stuff. I have a hard time believing the world would be so much better if JFK and Robert Kennedy had lived, but willing to go for the ride.

These people make bad decisions and don't learn from them… at all.

I didn't notice him, but the Walking Dead Wiki says he was in this last episode…