
Because this is about to be flooded with Penn State fans, I’ll take the burden of the worst comment off their shoulders so they can feel more free to be full on idiots without fear of being the worst person here, like they are most places:

Please tell me you can’t legally vote

This is a complete misunderstanding of the issue. She’s not a woman with a known clean bill of health. She’s a woman with serious past medical problems.

He’s unknown because he voluntarily contributes nothing to society. Imagine if someone with his tremendous endurance and ability to focus on a goal actually had a job

Monday wager: What shade of black will they turn out to be?

There’s a star button, you know

Can I call HIM a nigger?

Well. She calls me daddy.

Everything we publicly know about Hillary suggests to me this can’t remotely be true because she would have been smart and ambitious enough to know how much trouble it would cause for them if it would leak - and that it would most likely leak because why wouldn’t at least one of those women tell? I totally get what

Can the codes be sent from a home computer?

? When did I say that’s worse. I’m saying there is someone asking to be considered to be the leader of the free world who doesn’t care about what her husband did and who relies fully on another woman who doesn’t care what her husband did. If they were mid-level employees at random company then, whatever, they’re

I’m not vilifying them for what their husbands have done. I’m vilifying them for their responses to those actions. If your sister came to you and said “my husband is cheating on me. He fucks multiple women in his office.” or “my husband is cheating on me, he sends lewd photographs of himself to random women even after

Jokes aside - it’s a question of character. If Hillary and the woman she most trusts - fully outright trusts with everything - both are unable or unwilling to get rid of men that treat them this way, and we are aware of the various pay to play situations Hillary is willing to enter into - what does that say about her

She thinks women can do stuff. It’s a pain

Yeah. I’m sure that’s it. I’m sure that Bill and Weiner both had arrangements to sleep with whoever they please and, despite their rises to power, were so stupid about it that they didn’t think that women who fuck married, famous men might not keep it a secret. This isn’t the media hiding in the bushes with a camera

...because you just said you want to adopt a refugee family. Are you suggesting what’s holding you back is the inability to do that and not the money because you can do exactly what you’re so hoping to do, no problem. Also how did the rent bump go from $50 to $100?

I’d say the wife of a rapist, and who is a murdered, is the other choice so pick your option

The previous update on him was he was intended to run for mayor.

So. If Hillary wins what should I tell my daughter? That the most powerful woman of all time watched her husband fuck numerous other women including one involving cigar apparatuses in the Oval office - and the woman she most trusts in the world watched her husband try to fuck everything else that moves - and neither

If you don’t have a free $50 a month to do something you desperately want to do you’re the refugee